Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Letter U.

I like the letter U, how it sneaks into words and defies phonetics. I like how half the time it enhances or changes the the sound of another letter instead of just making its own. I like that it looks like it's smiling at you, or waiting to be filled.
It's neat that in the word Under, it gives a sound like depth and burials, while in Upper, it sounds more chipper.
U is like the court jester of the alphabet, always playing pranks while secretly influencing things behind the scenes (or between the letters)
These are some of the many reasons I like the letter U.
I know, this sounds very much like a Sesame Street skit, but what letter do you like?

1 comment:

  1. I had a think, and decided I have a fondness for 'g'. It's just so good at being...well, uGly a lot of the time, so gnnng and gah! But it sneaks up and makes gnomes even more interesting, and it starts my favorite color, Green :D So I like it. It's fun.
